Friday, April 27, 2007


Pages 2&3 of issue #1.


First page of issue #1.


Possible cover page for issue #1. I'll probably go back in re-do the whole page.


Portrait of my son.


This is a character I'm trying to bring to life.



The old woman who lived in a shoe.

Madame Inga.

Sexual Harassment.

Please forgive the misspelling.

Dr. Suess presents Batman versus Superman.

My spin on dr. Seuss' "East Beast versus West Beast."

Chicken Pimp

Batman page #5

I'm finishing Batman page #1 and #2, and I'll post them soon.

Batman page #4.

Batman page #3 of a five page series.

If you have questions about the Batmobile and the way it looks; I thought I would be tricky and give it a Cadillac grill. But when I revise it (and I will revise it), I think I'll draw the Batmobile in a way that it's familiar to everyone. So, I consider this page not really done, because I'm considering doing it over. But I would love to hear some feedback.